81,284 research outputs found

    Training of the Educators of Preschool Educational Institutions to the Authenticity Formation of the Preschoolers

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    The development of the personality-oriented model of the Ukrainian education system based on the principle of child-centeredness, maximum consideration of the abilities, needs and interests of each child, its age-specific features of physical, mental and mental development actualizes the problem of the formation and development of authenticity of preschoolers. The essence of the author's technology of authenticity facilitation of the preschooler's personality as a system of scientifically substantiated procedures for the gradual development of the educational process in the unity of content, principles, methods, forms, organizational and pedagogical conditions for the interaction of its subjects, the purpose of which is the ability of the preschooler's personality to live in harmony with its inner world, to act without changing your true "I". The technology is aimed at helping each child to realize itself as a self-worth, knowledge of its capabilities and natural potential in all spheres of life. The totality of the motivational-value, cognitive, operational and reflexive-personal criteria and their corresponding indicators for diagnosing the level of readiness of teachers of pre-school education institutions to form the authenticity of pupils are presented. The results of approbation of the author's elective course for the system of postgraduate pedagogical education "Theoretical and practical bases for the authenticity formation of preschoolers" are presented for the training of teachers of pre-school institutions for the effective implementation of this process

    Bridging Early Educational Transitions in Learning Through Children's Agency

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    A longitudinal study of continuity and progression in children's early education reported the significance of the transition from preschool to elementary education for later school success. It was found that the nature of this particular transition is influential for children, parents and educators and therefore for the educational system. An ecological framework was used in order to embrace the complex nature of educational transitions. Educators in 8 preschool and 4 primary school settings, and their managers, were interviewed to explore beliefs about early education. The same educators were observed as the 28 focus children in a cohort of 150 children were tracked during their final year before school and their first year of school, and their written documentation including planning and reports were scrutinised. It was found that despite the similar language used by early educators in early years preschool and primary settings to describe their intentions and motivations for children, there can be major discontinuities between settings, relationships, pedagogy and curriculum and that consequently there are increased challenges for children and for their parents and educators. It is proposed that educators need to collaborate more and to move on from a shared use of terminology to shared meanings, in order to develop a shared conceptual framework which attends to cognitive, social and emotional aspects of children's learning in transition. Certain measurable elements of school progress were noted as part of the local authority's value-added record keeping and it has been possible to make links between educational attainment and other variables. The cohort of children is now entering the last year of primary school education and a number of focus children will now be involved in a study of their transition to secondary education

    Pedagogical Conditions for The Formation of Professional Culture of Future Educators of Preschool Educational Institutions

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    The article reveals the essence of the phenomenon “professional culture of future educators of preschool educational institutions” viewed as a complex integral formation within a holistic structure of a personality. It is characterized by a positive attitude to the subjects and objects of pedagogical activity (axiological component), deep and systematized professional knowledge, skills and competencies (cognitive component), as well as personal and professional qualities that reflect the level of mastery of a special area of knowledge (personal component) and find their manifestation in pedagogical activity (reflexive component). Criteria (specified by indicators) that characterize levels of professional culture development of future preschool educators have been determined, including: informational, motivational, behavioral and appraisal-creative. Pedagogical conditions for the formation of professional culture of future preschool educators in the process of their professional training have been substantiated. The above-mentioned pedagogical conditions presuppose: activation of educational activities of future preschool educators in the cultural and educational environment of a higher pedagogical institution; provision of interactive technological support for the educational process of future preschool educators; integration of the content of normative professional disciplines. The technique of forming the professional culture of future educators of preschool educational institutions is presented

    Pedagogical Conditions for The Formation of Professional Culture of Future Educators of Preschool Educational Institutions

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    The article reveals the essence of the phenomenon “professional culture of future educators of preschool educational institutions” viewed as a complex integral formation within a holistic structure of a personality. It is characterized by a positive attitude to the subjects and objects of pedagogical activity (axiological component), deep and systematized professional knowledge, skills and competencies (cognitive component), as well as personal and professional qualities that reflect the level of mastery of a special area of knowledge (personal component) and find their manifestation in pedagogical activity (reflexive component). Criteria (specified by indicators) that characterize levels of professional culture development of future preschool educators have been determined, including: informational, motivational, behavioral and appraisal-creative. Pedagogical conditions for the formation of professional culture of future preschool educators in the process of their professional training have been substantiated. The above-mentioned pedagogical conditions presuppose: activation of educational activities of future preschool educators in the cultural and educational environment of a higher pedagogical institution; provision of interactive technological support for the educational process of future preschool educators; integration of the content of normative professional disciplines. The technique of forming the professional culture of future educators of preschool educational institutions is presented

    Bridging the Divide Between Preschool and Elementary School: How Preschool-Elementary Collaborations Can Promote Young Children’s Transition to Kindergarten

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    Previous research indicates that many children have difficulty transitioning from preschool to kindergarten, which may be attributed to differences between the two settings. The purpose of this study was to investigate preschool and elementary school educators’ perceptions of the similarities of and differences between the two types of settings and their perceptions of how preschool-elementary collaborations could facilitate young children’s transition to kindergarten. Twelve early childhood educators from elementary and preschool settings were interviewed. All educators saw more differences compared to similarities between the two settings. For example, they viewed elementary school as more focused on academic domains. Educators noted that the elementary school curriculum and flow of day was generally more structured, and that preschools tended to promote greater family engagement. Participants suggested that by engaging in joint activity together, these two groups of educators could learn about each others' institutions and find ways to facilitate kindergarten transition.U.S. Department of Education (USDOE), PR/Award No. S362A11001

    Preschool teacher educators’ conceptions about teaching early literacy to future preschool teachers

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    This study aims to examine what conceptions preschool teacher educators in Norway have about the subject fields of children’s language learning and early literacy. To investigate what the teacher educators in these two subject fields hold as important, we have interviewed twelve teacher educators having a master or PHD degree, six from the subject of Norwegian and six from the subject of Pedagogy. The research question is: What conceptions do teacher educators have about teaching in the subject fields of children’s language learning and early literacy in preschool teacher education? The results show that the teacher educators had quite different perspectives on what to teach future preschool teachers in the subject fields of children’s language learning and early literacy. The teacher educators in Norwegian talked of early literacy as a field of great importance, but gave equal status to children’s literature, and said that they used more time to teach literature than to teach children’ language learning and early literacy. The teacher educators in Pedagogy said they thought of children’s language learning as having less importance than play. They all claim that the teacher students do not have solid educational knowledge when they graduate from the Preschool Teacher Education

    Enhancing Jewish Learning & Engagement in Preschool Life: Documenting the JRS Model

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    The Jewish Resource Specialist (JRS) Initiative, designed in 2008 by the Early Childhood Education Initiative (ECEI) of the Jewish Community Federation of San Francisco, the Peninsula, Marin and Sonoma Counties (the Federation), in partnership with the Jim Joseph Foundation, positions the early childhood years as a gateway into Jewish life for children and their families. It is a response to several catalyzing factors. First, preschool is a critical time for young families. Children are eager to learn and are developing socially, emotionally, cognitively and spiritually. For parents, at no other moment will they be so involved in their children's schooling. They are also choosing how they spend their time and with whom they spend it. The JRS Initiative came about to leverage this unique time for families.Second, the JRS Initiative also addresses the dearth of leaders working to build the field of Jewish early childhood education (ECE). Those who want to focus on Jewish ECE and build communities of engaged Jewish families with preschool-aged children are challenged to find the support, mentors and professional development opportunities they need to craft a career path. The JRS Initiative seeks to meet these field-wide demands by developing the skills and Jewish knowledge of the JRS educators who then bring ideas and guidance to their schools

    Preparing Children for Social Activity in Preschool Educational Organizations - Pedagogical Need

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    This article discusses the need to prepare students of the direction of preschool education" for social and pedagogical activities, the essence and priority principles of this process, the content of the training of future educators of the direction "Preschool education" the orientation of the child to social life,  the role of training sessions in preparing future educators for social and pedagogical activities, as well as the possibility of preparing students for the socialization of children in organizations of preschool education outside the auditorium, is highlighted
